Saturday, December 14, 2013

Goodbye Christmas

Sometimes it's very hard to part with a painting. This one especially. But now it has a new home where I trust it will be loved.

Sunday, August 4, 2013


The pillow for your sofa that matches the painting that goes with your sofa
And here it is hanging at SOMArts


 Only 11 months of my life! Will make a great tapestry once the pros block it for me.

Monday, June 10, 2013

80's style duel portrait

This is the portrait of my friend's baby and dog and I have started and am hoping to complete in time. She wants the 80s style double exposure portrait (see example below). Starting very light, but then again my pencil drawings never photo well for the blog.

Monday, May 6, 2013

More abstract needlepoint

This is a project from the back-burner. A needlepoint created by printing my painting Russian Dolls onto mesh. Enough with the painting for the day!


Sometimes I have to change things up. Like this painting. I no longer like it. So it's getting a redo.

Orange you glad?

Today's piece is going to be just my favorite colors. I was reading about Egyptian Blue on wikipedia (fascinating, it and Han Purple are to 2 first synthetic pigments) so that's where I started. I predict this'll get a lot uglier before we're thru.

Apologies for the pictures, the wood panel is 36"x48" and hard to photo on my easel.

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Color me epiphanized

It's a slow day at the shop and I found this article about Kristy Gammill on  Her work intrigues me.  Like me, she's 34 years old (but with teenagers- WOH!)  Quelle surprise, I love her pallette and technique.  And looking at her paintings instantly triggered an epiphany about my own work. I think my paintings are masculine.  What's that mean huh? 

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Needlepoint tapestry

Oh lord, I've been slaving away on this tapestry for my brother.

It is in your self-interest to find a way to be very tender.

Soyez si tendre! Familiar at all? Begins with a Jenny and ends with a Holzer. But so, I've been working on this since July mebbe? Really cranking it now to the detriment of all my other art.

Monday, February 4, 2013

Busy work...

Time to gloss! (A little Giants MadBaum February on the wall)

Monday, January 28, 2013

Mixing colors cont...

Last time this was pinky red... Now it's very green. Or a bit Christmassy which I don't mind but there's still work to do.

tentatively titled "Camo"

The studio today

Red & orange... Named today after something the guy at Blow Up Lab said- "Out of Gamut".

To do list done

Finally dropped paintings at The Blow Up Lab for scanning... In case you don't know:

Blow Up Lab
1257 Folsom St, San Francisco
(415) 861-1200

They are great for scanning artwork.

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Dogs & Winona's Eyeshadow

Just got some paintings back from a staging including this one in the background, Winona's Eyeshadow. Dogs not included.

Monday, January 14, 2013

Sunday, January 13, 2013

The other portrait...

Working on two portraits today.

How much is that doggy in the blog?

Here's a dog portrait commission that I'm working on. I also draw kids but dogs are the most fun. I love them dogs!!!

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Monday, January 7, 2013

Mixing colors

This is my process: open my paint drawers + find something I haven't used recently. Then use it. Naples yellow, miceous oxide, primary magenta, interference green... It continues.

Paintings sold = painting supplies replenished

Suit 5 Salon sold 2 more of my pieces (2 back round about Nov), most recently "Cal Fight Song" + an untitled piece. So... Bought some new wood panels. This is the first effort today. I like to work a couple pictures simultaneously.

Don't know what a smalt is, but it's hue is beautiful blue gray. Of course I still mix it. For some reason color straight out of the tube is glaringly "color out of the tube".

Ah! "Yves Klein quick fix" 16"x20"

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Saturday, January 5, 2013

Cont... Swamp Thing.

Remember this? The continued work on Swamp Thing.


A pair that I'm working together as a diptych. Raw umber is my go to color for covering hideousness...

Enjoy the Bandit break between the blood sweat & tears this ugly pair is wringing from me.

After Bandit, I have better feeling about where I'm going.

I call this manner of painting the Gerard Richter technique.

Today is rather overcast; my pictures keep turning out darker & darker.

I think this pair now has a name: "Bubblegum". Even the texture is bubblegummy.

Left is 12"x16", right 12"x12".

Somedays I can't stop fussing. The rain's coming down now so enjoy the reflection of my lamp in the window.

I didn't stop fussing, again.